La semana pasada, TTC asistió al 75º Aniversario de Polaroid Eyewear, en el Museo de Arte Moderno (MoMA) de Nueva York. Miles de personas de Estados Unidos, Sudamérica y Europa acudieron al evento , entre ellos Leigh Lezark, Whitney Port, Adan Driver y Carson Kressley; y TTC tuvo la suerte de estar allí y disfrutar de una velada sin igual!
Last week Polaroid Eyewear was celebrating its 75º Anniversary at The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in NYC, and TTCC was so lucky to attend. Lot of people from U.S. Southamerica or Europe were there, Leigh Lezark, Whitney Port, Adan Driver or Carson Kressley enjoyed as much as we did of the incredible evening!
Hasta entonces no sabíamos que la colección del MoMA incluía un par original de gafas de sol Polaroid de 1946: unas piezas únicas fabricadas por American Optical Corp y donadas a MoMA por Edgar Kaufmann júnior, heredero de la famosa casa de la familia Fallingwater, diseñado por Frank Lloyd Wright. Llegamos un poquito antes porque nos recomendaron explorar el museo por cada una de sus salas, merece la pena!! Y resultó que ese par de gafas de sol Polaroid fueron seleccionadas por la artista contemporánea Trisha Donnelly para su exposición “Artist´s Choice”. Podréis visitarla en el museo hasta el 8 de abril de 2013, pero os recomendamos que vayáis con tiempo para disfrutar de cada rincón de este museo...
We did not know taht MoMA’s collection of Architecture and Design included an original pair of 1946 Polaroid sunglasses: a unique piece manufactured by the American Optical Corp. and donated to MoMA by Edgar Kaufmann Jr., heir to the famous family home Fallingwater designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. We arrived a little bit earlier, since we were highly recommended to explore every hall of this museum, it worth it! And came of that those pair of Polaroid sunglasses were among the objects in MoMA’s collection selected by the contemporary artist Trisha Donnelly for her installation entitled "Artist’s Choice". You can visit it at MoMA until April 8, 2013, but we advise you to go with enough time to enjoy the whole museum...
Y después del arte, llegó la fiesta!! Amenizada por el grupo Misshapes, disfrutamos de un aperitivo, barra libre y cócteles por doquier, mientras interactuábamos con la tecnología, descubriendo cómo las gafas Polaroid avanzan en el futuro.
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DJ Kiss and "The Misshapes" |
And after the art...the party!! Whilst guests discovered, explored and interacted with the brand’s technology, as well as learning how Polaroid Eyewear is moving forward into the future, we were entertained by the music of the New York based DJ trio “The Misshapes”, filled up with coctails, appetizers and much more.
Y lo mejor del evento ha sido la revelación de la nueva colección Polaroid Plus , la cual estará en venta a partir de la primavera 2013, yo ya he fichado la mía, me encantan!!
The very best of the event was the outstanding Polaroid Plus collection, produced by Safilo Group, that will be on sale worldwide starting from Spring 2013, I have already chosen mine, I love it!!
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Dae Na, model polaroid campaign |
Y entre copa y copa, no podíamos dejar de fichar, además de cuál era el par de gafas que nos ibámos a comprar, a todos los famosos que acudieron al evento, y no fueron pocos, aqui os dejamos algunas fotos de lo más inn del momento, que disfrutéis tanto como nosotros!!
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Whitney Port |
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Stella Maeve, american tv actress |
And between drinks, we couldn't stop having an eye on all the celebrities that attended the event, and not few, here you have some pics of the highpoints, hoping you enjoy them as much as we did!!
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Neon Hitcher, singer |
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Aimee Ruby, supermodel |
And of course, a little part of TTC...;-)
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